Glossophobia | glos-o-foe-bee-ah
from the Greek: glossaphobos, an abnormal fear of speaking in public, or trying to.

- You are SMARTER than you think! -
Jorge has developed an innovative interview program entitled, NO FEAR as part of his PageantSmart interview series. Nationally known for his successes as a mock interview specialist, he will teach you how to make your interview a WINNING interview including mastering personality interviews, one-on-one interviews, panel interviews and practicing on stage questions from his portfolio of hundreds of topics. Jorge firmly believes that your interview can and will set you apart from other contestants and will bring out the best confident YOU there is!
Jorge has conducted hundreds of interview sessions with young women from coast to coast in person, seminars or via Skype. He has also judged many state level pageants in the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA programs.