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TESTIMONIALS - Miss Delegates

Deshauna Barber

Miss USA 2016

Miss DC USA 2016

Miss Universe 2016 Top 9



Interview is a huge part of pageantry and I knew to compete for Miss USA I needed the best and highest quality training for the interview and on stage question portion of the competition. Jorge trained me for 5 months and dedicated the best training possible to ensure I was 100% prepared for every possible scenario that could take place at Miss USA. I would not have had my "Mic Drop" moment during Miss USAs on stage question without his training. He truly gives his all to his clients and I am so lucky to have him as my interview coach!



Nia Sanchez

Miss Universe 2014 1st Runner-Up

Miss USA 2014

Miss Nevada USA 2014


Jorge, thank you so much for helping me prepare for interview not only for Miss Nevada USA but also for Miss USA and Miss Universe. I cannot believe we actually discussed my top 5 question at Miss USA during one of our prep sessions! Whenever I am asked who do I recommend for pageant interview coaching, I SEND THEM YOUR WAY ! Thank you again for sharing my incredible journey to the Miss USA title. I wish you and PageantSmart all the best in years to come!

Lexi Farmer

Miss WV Association of Fairs and Festivals 2015


Seeking interview help from Jorge is one of the smartest decisions of my pageant career. He is truly the best at what he does. Not only does he help you speak with poise, he also makes you feel confident that you can do anything you set your mind to. He has helped me turn my dreams into reality and I could not be more thankful for the guidance he has given me. His expertise has helped me on pageant day, as well as during my reign. He is an amazing friend and supporter. 

Kailyn Perez

Miss Florida World 2015

Miss Pennsylvania USA 2019

Top 15 at Miss USA 2019


PageantSmart has given me the confidence to walk into any interview and nail it! The tools I have garnered from my in-person and skype sessions with Jorge Esteban have not only facilitated my success in the pageant industry but have aided me in my education, work and daily life. I knew that I had an incredible interview coach when watching Miss USA 2015 and every on-stage final question was one that I was educated on during my PageantSmart session earlier that week.  Jorge Esteban and his team at PageantSmart will give you the skills you need to succeed, both on and off stage!

Alexis Duprey

Miss New Mexico USA 2015

Miss New Mexico 2013

Non-Finalist Interview Award Winner at Miss America


I was and am still incredibly honored to have worked with Jorge. I love how he made me feel like I already knew everything! Jorge is not there to tell you what to say, but to help you find direction within YOURSELF to answer not only interview questions but onstage questions as well. What I loved most about working with Jorge was the fact that I was not just a client he met with every few weeks, but a friend who he made sure was prepared for a national pageant. Professional, admirable, and a beautiful soul, thank you Jorge!

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Nicolette Jennings

Miss Florida USA 2019

Top 10 - Miss USA 2019


Preparing for interviews might be one of the most challenging things about pageantry, but Jorge truly makes this challenging task so much easier! I could not imagine preparing without Jorge while competing for Miss Florida USA and Miss USA. While working with Jorge, a friendship blossoms and trust is built, which to me was one of the most important things to have when working with someone. The best thing about Jorge is he teaches skills that are transferable in all areas of life, which is why I am continuously so confident going into job interviews and giving presentations at work as broadcast journalist.


Kristy Landers Niedenfuer

Miss Louisiana World 2015

Miss Tennessee USA 2014

3RU Miss World America 2015

Miss USA 2014 - Top 20


Jorge Esteban is SO much more than an interview coach. He is a motivator, a teacher, an ally, and most importantly, an amazing friend who's love and support I am truly grateful for. Jorge has an incredible ability to teach his clients, not to memorize and recite random facts and information, but instead to look deep within themselves to let their inner beauty, poise and eloquence shine through in any situation. Jorge helped me prepare for my first pageant, Miss Tennessee USA, and with his help, I had the knowledge and confidence to win the title of Miss Tennessee USA 2014! Now, as I prepare to compete for the national title of Miss USA 2014, I continue to look to Jorge for guidance and preparation. Thank you, PageantSmart! I feel so blessed to have such a great friend and coach who constantly encourages me to become the best version of myself, on and off the pageant stage.

Melissa Phillips

Miss Metropolitan New York 2013

Miss Gold Coast Florida 2012


Jorge is truly more than a coach, he is your friend, a confidant and your biggest fan when tackling the pageant interview and more importantly, your worst critic: you. After working with him for a few sessions I felt confident that I could conquer the interview room. After losing my first competition I was not discouraged, but proud of the preparation I received. My sessions with Jorge were instrumental in my decision to return and compete. I won the next title I competed for: Miss Gold Coast. The next year with Jorge's help and guidance I won Miss Metropolitan New York and won the interview round at the Miss New York City competition. Jorge does not turn you into his vision of a winning contestant, but pushes you to find the strength and resolve to be your best self. That's why we all love him, and that is why we continue to work with him as clients. You would be missing out with anyone else!

Michelle Aguirre

Miss Florida USA 2013

Miss Florida USA 2012 - Top 15


To the best interview coach in the business, thank you so much for helping me get closer to my dream of becoming Miss USA. You not only coached me and were instrumental in me becoming Miss Florida USA 2013 but always encouraged me and made sure I was always caught up with current events! Your unconditional love and support throughout my reign means the world to me. You are amazing at what you do and I am so incredibly happy for your launch of PageantSmart!

Michelle Medoff

Miss New York USA 2014 - 4th Runner-Up

Miss Long Island USA 2014

Miss New York Teen USA 2011 -4th Runner-Up


I would not be where I am without Jorge! Jorge has given me tools and skills to not only succeed in pageant interviews, but to excel in other areas of my life! He did not teach me how to merely answer questions, but rather taught me how to express myself in the most effective and efficient way. Jorge opened my eyes to an entirely new me, truly the best version of myself. Since working this past year with Jorge, not only have I had my highest placements in my 5 years of pageantry (including my first win), but I’ve confidently gone into job interviews, media interviews, and public speaking scenarios with great ease, huge success and of course – NO FEAR!!

Morgan Woolard

Miss Oklahoma Teen USA 2006

Miss Teen USA Top 15

Miss Earth Oklahoma

Miss Earth United States Top 10

Miss Oklahoma USA 2010

Miss USA 2010 1st runner-up


Every time I am asked to recommend a pageant coach, I point in the direction of Jorge Esteban. Jorge not only helped me with my interview skills, but he also became my encourager, and my friend. It's not everyday that a coach becomes like family, and when they do, you know they're special. I am so grateful that God put such a wonderful person in my life to help me succeed and become the best that I could be. Jorge and his family did not just support me during my years in competitive pageantry, but they have loved and supported me ever since. You don't just get a coach in Jorge, but also a friend for life!

Lissette Garcia

Miss Florida USA 2011

Top 16 at Miss USA 2011


To think I've lost pageants in the past because of my speaking skills was almost embarrassing, my biggest fear was public speaking. When I met with Jorge and his NO FEAR program I knew he was the one to break me out of my spell. Well he did and I can't imagine my life today without the skills I was taught. As a news reporter, confidence and no fear are very important. I not only learned the right way to answer pageant questions but also to be able to walk in to any room and have a conversation or be interviewed by anyone, I'm ready! With PageantSmart I learned to be the woman I am today, I won Miss Florida USA and made the semifinals at Miss USA. I'm thankful for everything that Jorge has taught me.

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Taylor Kessler

Miss Texas USA 2020

Miss Grand United States 2017


I had just entered my first Miss Texas USA pageant at the age of 18. Unfortunately, I did not place. I later decided that I would try another system to get more experience. Looking for guidance and mentorship, I found exactly what I needed in Jorge. Transitioning from Teen to Miss requires certain tools that are innate, but sometimes must be discovered. Jorge’s emotional intelligence and pageant experience helped me discover the tools I naturally had. His encouragement and inspiration helped me win two major titles. In my seven years of competing, you come across many people that will help you in your journey. Jorge is one of those. I am unapologetically authentic and I believe that is all because of his guidance and support.  Jorge, your knowledge is something that will be instilled in me for years to come! Proud be a #smartgirl!

Mackenzie Bart

Miss Ohio 2014

Miss America 2014 - Top 10


For the past several years, I have been a client of Jorge Esteban.  I have always found  that his communications and interview prep work has kept me very comfortable and confident.  He has been very empowering to me.  Jorge is at the top of his game on current events and he helped enable me to see things from my own point of view while finding  solutions about complicated issues for the pageant interview.   More importantly, he steered me to grow and prepare for the most important interviews: internships, careers and scholarship interviews.  His charismatic personality always kept me inspired.   Jorge motivates me to be the very best in all of my endeavors! With his help in interview and document preparations, I have been able to earn over $39, 000 in college scholarship money, land intern positions with the prestigious “The Weather Channel, LLC.,” and place Top 10 at Miss America 2015. After the pageant concluded,  I took his tips to help me feel prepared and confident as I spoke off the cuff in national news media interviews on Good Morning America and The Today Show.  Thank you Jorge for always believing in me!

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Emily Irene Delgado

Miss Grand USA 2019-2020

Miss U.S. International 3rd RU 2019

Miss Nevada USA - Top 15 2017/2018


As someone who has been in the pageant industry for 20 years, I thought I had it all figured out! I started noticing my placements getting lower and lower when I competed and wondered why. It wasn’t until my sister, Amanda Delgado, an international titleholder herself, introduced me to Jorge and his coaching company. After training with Jorge, I instantly became more confident in my most problematic area of competition, interview! Jorge helped me understand how important it was to stay true to myself and also helped me sharpen my interview skills for not only pageantry but for everyday life! He’s now made me even more confident for the future and he is my ONE and ONLY recommendation to all pageant girls needing that extra help in interview preparation!

Rachael Todd

Miss United States 2017

Miss Florida United States 2017


My experience working with Jorge was just what I needed in order to take my skill level to the place it needs to be in order to win and hold the title of Miss United States 2017. One of my favorite aspects of speaking with and working with Jorge is his ability to help me zoom out and see the big picture of my platform and mission as Miss United States. He helped me to create a roadmap in my mind towards the goals I had on my vision board. He brings a unique perspective to the pageant arena, one that includes business networking, relating 'pageant' to 'non pageant' and utilizing the microphone that pageantry puts in my hand to do the most good in the world.

Ashley K. Wade
Miss Earth United States Air 2017

Miss District of Columbia Earth United States 2017

Miss Cosmos United States 2019


Working with PageantSmart was one of the BEST decisions that I ever made. When I decided to compete in my first pageant, Miss DC USA 2017, I met with Jorge for preparation and our meeting exceeded my expectations! I left our session finding out so much about myself and feeling so confident about the interview portion. Although I did not leave with the crown that year but did place in the top 15, I knew that I would want to compete again and wanted to dedicate more time with Jorge and his fabulous team at PageantSmart. I then decided to compete for Miss District of Columbia Earth United States. Jorge made sure that I was FULLY prepared for the interview portion and he was just as passionate as I was! After interview, I remember texting Jorge, "That was THE best interview I ever had! I left the room feeling like the judges really got to know me!" That evening, I was crowned Miss DC Earth United States and it was a true testimony that (as Jorge always says), "Interview ALWAYS WINS!" While preparing for Miss Earth United States, I kept all of Jorge's advice and techniques with me at all times and was crowned Miss Earth United States Air (1RU). I am a firm believer that interview is really where all of the magic happens. Jorge is always so passionate about his girls and he truly believes in them and gets to know their purpose! He has pushed me to really dig deep and get to know myself and step outside of my comfort zone. Without his expertise, advice and friendship, I most certainly wouldn't be where I am today. What can I say... SmartGirlsRock!

Kára McCullough

Miss USA 2017

Miss DC USA 2017

Miss Universe 2017 Top 10


I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jorge during my Miss DC USA and Miss USA preparation. As a scientist, I’m very data driven and ironically Jorge is as well. Every time we trained he prepared multiple articles that aligned with my STEM mission. Additionally, If I wanted clarity on any topic he allowed full transparency during our sessions. In my opinion transparency is the best attribute a leader can possess. These are the many reasons I enjoyed working with Jorge.

Do the smart thing: Call Jorge today!

(305) 793-0330


Jorge Esteban

Coral Gables, Florida

Skype ID: PageantSmart

Phone: (305) 793-0330



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