Glossophobia | glos-o-foe-bee-ah
from the Greek: glossaphobos, an abnormal fear of speaking in public, or trying to.

Be sure to make a critical first impression with flawless paperwork! Develops an in-depth analysis of client's educational and professional background, life experiences and plans for their future. Captures essential information to create an impactful contestant profile. In several systems, platform development and communication is a large component of your overall score. Learn to create, implement, market and communicate your platform.

Fill your pageant tool belt with techniques to master your personal interview. Reviews body language, eye contact, mental preparation and topical readiness. Avoid the pitfalls of an ordinary interview and learn how to control the interview and make a lasting impression on the judges with a memorable interview.

Sample during one on one mock interview sessions hundreds of on stage questions in order to shine during your on stage question segment. Sample questions can encompass traditional pageant questions to controversial topics to current events. Program will be tailored to your personal needs. Learn to confidently address judges and the audience!